

Though medical fads change and new research emerges, there is always one universal, standard of care throughout the healthcare industry which always has and always will be the number one focus. Patient safety. Surgical facilities invest millions each year and take every precaution to keeping patients protected and assist in proper healing. Though policies and practices may vary slightly, keeping patients safe is the number one focus at Medsurant Health. Even during high-risk procedures, there are measures in place to avoid deficit or paralysis to those undergoing a neurological or vascular operation. Intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring (IONM) is a surgical aid that assists in providing a positive surgical outcome for each patient. A supervising neuromonitorist provides feedback on the status of your nervous system to the anesthesiologist and surgeon. When a neurological change occurs, the team will be notified almost instantly to address any issues, giving your surgeon the chance to intervene.

Top Benefits of IONM Include:

  • Reducing Risk of Permanent Nerve Damage
  • Detecting Changes in the Functional Status of Nerve Tissue
  • Greatly Improving Patient Safety
  • Reducing Frequency & Severity of Injury to Vital Structures
  • Preventing Permanent or Long-Term Impairment
  • Ensuring Vital Nerve Endings or Arteries Are Not Undergoing Distress
  • Conducted by Clinically Certified Monitorists
  • Helps Avoid Threat of Paralysis

How Does Intraoperative Neuromonitoring Work?

With intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring, the surgical team can efficiently help to prevent permanent or long-term impairment during an operation. Electrodes are placed on the head, arms and legs, or other muscle groups depending on your surgery, to monitor vital signs and neurological signals. These electrodes conduct electrophysiological tests on the patient’s cerebrovascular and neurological systems to ensure that vital nerve endings or arteries are not undergoing distress during the procedure, including the spine and brainstem. Somatosensory evoked potentials, brainstem auditory evoked potentials, and electromyography tests are some of the intraoperative neuromonitoring tools used to ensure the safety of our patients. Our surgical team uses real-time feedback to evaluate how your nervous system responds to the surgery and guides the surgeon away from sensitive, high-risk areas that could be a potential site for injury. Doing this ensures nerve endings are not severed or blood vessels are not compressed, among a multitude of other risk potentials to keep you protected and to provide a swift and full recovery.

Who Does the Intraoperative Neuromonitoring?

Intraoperative neuromonitoring uses clinically certified monitorists who undergo extensive training to assist the surgeon during the procedure and provides immediate support during critical moments. Medsurant Health employs over 170 neuromonitorists located across the US. Our clinicians undergo extensive, supervised training and structured didactics in order to employ the highest-quality measures in our standard of care.

Contact us today to hear about our advanced medical resources and the benefits of neuromonitoring for your next surgery. Medsurant Health is a Joint Commission accredited facility.