
What to Expect with IONM

Before Your Surgery
Once you have discussed surgery with your physician, he/she may begin a discussion about intraoperative neuromonitoring of your case. Your surgeon will discuss the need for neuromonitoring of your case and what it will entail. If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact us and we would be happy to discuss this with you.

Day of Your Surgery
Before going into the operating room, you may meet your neuromonitorist on the day of surgery. They may take a quick medical history, perform a directed physical assessment, and have you complete some general paperwork (to include a consent for monitoring as well as an assignment of benefits). In most cases, after anesthesia sedates you, electrodes may be placed on your head, arms, and legs. These electrodes are hooked-up to our advanced monitoring system, which helps your neuromonitorist interpret the signals that your nervous system transmits.

During your surgery, when using intraoperative neuromonitoring your monitorist will provide feedback on the status of your nervous system to your surgeon and and surgical team. If anything changes, they will be able to react immediately and take measures to either reverse or mitigate any issues, thus maximizing your potential for a positive outcome. anesthesia provider.  After the surgery is done, all of the monitoring electrodes will be safely removed and disposed of.

Billing for IONM
The billing and reimbursement staff at Medsurant Health work diligently to ensure accurate insurance information is received and certifications/authorizations are obtained as far in advance of your surgery date as possible. We are committed to working with you and your insurance carrier to alleviate any additional post-surgical stress. Our representatives are here to advocate on your behalf as well as explain the explanation of benefits (EOB) you will receive for our services.

For Further Information
We are glad to be able to provide additional safety during your surgery through our state-of-the-art care. If you have any questions about our intraoperative neuromonitoring services, check out our list of Frequently Asked Questions. Also, please feel free to contact our Customer Service Hotline or Corporate Headquarters at 855-479-9614 for more information regarding neuromonitoring.